List of securities company and research institution analysts who make recommendations or comment on IKKHD's business performance, etc.

Company names are listed in alphabetical order and honorific titles have been omitted

This list has been prepared using IKKHD’s objective standards based on information obtained by IKKHD at the time of publication. Therefore, be aware that there may be analysts who do not appear on this list. Additionally, IKKHD does not endorse or sponsor the listed analysts, and all of the information listed may not be current.


This list has been published with the intent to provide investors with information regarding analysts and associated institutions that analyze IKKHD's business performance and perform forecasts. This list does not solicit or recommend the sale or purchase of IKKHD’s shares.


Analysts utilize their independent judgement to analyze IKKHD’s business results, operations, products, as well as technologies, and forecast business results. IKKHD is not involved in any of these processes. Furthermore, IKKHD does not endorse or guarantee the forecasts, opinions, or recommendations of these analysts.


For actual investments, we ask that you make your investment decisions based on your own judgment and responsibility.